Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Blog Post #9

A flipped classroom is a type of instructional option where activities that would normally be used as homework are used in the classroom, and lectures and lessons are online for the students to learn on their own time after school. This classroom setting is almost the complete opposite of a traditional setting. I think this model of instruction would only work if the students were motivated to put in the work necessary to learn outside of the classroom. The following is a link to a website with educational videos: http://www.khanacademy.com

 I have briefly mentioned Teacher Tube before in one of my other blog posts. This web-based resource could help me in my professional development. Not only are there videos on the site that I could use with my students, but there are also videos specifically to help teachers learn and further their knowledge. http://www.teachertube.com

I learned how to make a PowerPoint in a non-linear way through completing the PowerPoint interaction assignment. I previously had not known how to hyperlink slides within a PowerPoint. I liked that I had the freedom to be creative and make my PowerPoint anything I wanted it to be. Next time I can create a different game or make it more instructional. This could be used in my future career as a way to engage students.

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